Selasa, 01 Maret 2011

gak penting :D

matee gaya.. bukan berkamsud untuk memaki, yeah.. buat mereka yang *katanyaselalupositipdilarangmengatakankalimatnegatip*

1. saia belum menemukan supplier honeycomb... ketemunya malah honeymoon *fiuuuhh,awakmateegayaketemukataini*

2. majikan mulai mendesak hingga saia sesak minta laporan si honey...


3. tempat dimana saia menyimpan uang sedang offline sedangkan segala cicilan dan hutang piutang sudah jatuh tempo.


numpang curhat di lembaran maian ini, karena saia juga sudah mati gaya caricari si honey. beugh, kesannya ko centaaa banget ampe manggil "honey", padahal mang begitu penyebutannya.

matee gaya...


urusan diluar kantor cancel kabeh, asal kata si teman "molo mangoli dang pola dicancel'i..."

yaa... yaa.. saia manggutmanggutbloon ae, mang ada gtu yang mau cancel mangoli ?


coba cek status dibukumuka lembaran maia, fiiuuuhh, ternyata bukan saia doank yang suka curcol.

coba cek status di ym, fiuuuhh... sign sok busy padahal minta di goda

coba cek inbox.. eehmmm..... better ta copas ke sini biar coretan ini sedikit bermakna. sedikit.

We are playing a game. Someone proposed that we GIRLS do something special on to help with Breast Cancer Awareness. Its easy, and Id like you to join us to help it spread. Last year it was about writing the color of the bra that your were wearing in your status and it left men wondering for days why the girls had random colors as their status. This year it has to do with your relationship status. You will state where you are, by posting one of the codes below. Remember - don't reply to this message just type your 1 word response in your status box on your profile. Then cut and paste this whole message into a new message and send it along to your female friends....

Blueberry: Im single

Pineapple its complicated

Raspberry: Im a touch and go woman

Apple: Engaged

Cherry: In a relationship

Banana: Im married

Avocado: Im the "other one"

Strawberry: Cant find the right one

Lemon: Wish i was single

Grape: wants to get married.

The bra game reached TV, lets get this one to do the same, and show everyone how powerful women are.



tteettteeppp... mateee gaya

buuutt... strawberry ! yeaahh... *melirikseorangtemanyangsukalagurapuh*

blueberry.... *temennyalagigakmautasebutnamatakutkenabata*

nb : inisamasekaliocehangakpenting

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