or etc,,
back is back..
secara harafiah bisa saja back yang dikamsudkan kali ini belakang ato bisa saja kembali. olrait whateve' u seilah... ane cuman pengen meracau tentang bekpeker. xixixixixi...
bie is back..
bie gonna be bekpeker..
life is an adventure.. itu adalah tagline di iklan yang bie sukai. bintangnya se anak kecil, yaa namanya iklan susu
i want to live my life to the absolute fullest
to open my eyes to be all i can be
to travel roads not taken, to meet faces unknown
to feel the wind, to touch the stars
i promise to discover myself
to stand tall with greatness
to chase down and catch every dream
bie is back.. *efekmenghitungbintangalaps.konghee*